Browser support

D2L is committed to performing key application testing when new browser versions are released. New and updated functionality is also tested against the latest version of supported browsers. However, due to the frequency of some browser releases, D2L cannot guarantee that each browser version will perform as expected. If you encounter any issues with any of the browser versions listed in the tables below, contact D2L Support, who will determine the best course of action for resolution. Reported issues are prioritized by supported browsers and then maintenance browsers.

Supported browsers are the latest or most recent browser versions that are tested against new versions of D2L products. Customers can report problems and receive support for issues. For an optimal experience, D2L recommends using supported browsers with D2L products.

Maintenance browsers are older browser versions that are not tested extensively against new versions of D2L products. Customers can still report problems and receive support for critical issues; however, D2L does not guarantee all issues will be addressed. A maintenance browser can become officially unsupported after one year. All end of support dates will be clearly communicated in our release notes. Microsoft® Internet Explorer® will no longer be supported for Brightspace access as of January 2020. See Intent to End of Life Notice for: Internet Explorer Support for additional information.

Note the following:

  • Ensure that your browser has JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
  • For desktop systems, you must have Adobe Flash Player 10.1 or greater.

Desktop Support


Supported Browser Version(s)

Maintenance Browser Version(s)

Microsoft® Edge



Microsoft® Internet Explorer®



Mozilla® Firefox®


ESR - current version (including a 12-week overlap with the previous version)


Google® Chrome™



Apple® Safari®



Tablet and Mobile Support


Operating System


Supported Browser Version(s)


Android 5.0 +





Safari, Chrome

The current major version of iOS (the latest minor or point release of that major version) and the previous major version of iOS (the latest minor or point release of that major version). For example, as of June 7, 2017, D2L supports iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 9.3.5, but not iOS 10.2.1, 9.0.2, or any other version.

Chrome: Latest version for the iOS browser.

Windows Windows 10 Edge, Chrome, Firefox Latest of all browsers, and Firefox ESR.