Add and Edit categories to manage assignments

Organize your assignments into categories to make it easier for users to navigate to the appropriate assignment. For example, you can create separate categories for course units, summative projects, bonus assignments, and individual submissions. Your new category will appear on the Assignments page only if there are assignments associated with it.

To add and edit categories:

  1. On the Assignments page, click Edit Categories.

  2. Do any of the following :

    • Click Add Category to create a new category.

    • Click the name of an existing category to modify it. Hit Enter, or click outside of the current cell to save your changes.

    • Adjust the Sort Order of existing categories.

    • To delete a category, select the check box next to its name, and click the delete icon.

Categories can also be created during the assignment creation process:

  1. On the navbar, click Assignments.
  2. On the Assignments page, click New Assignment.
  3. In the Properties area, click New Category.
  4. Enter a name for your category.
  5. Click Save.