Default email message text

Depending on the status of the batch job, the default email message displays one of the following subjects:

  • [ERROR] IPSIS Batch: Error with Completed Batch - {Source System Name} (Batch ID#)
  • IPSIS Batch: Successfully Completed Batch - {Source System Name} (Batch ID#)
  • IPSIS Batch: Cancelled Batch - {Source System Name} (Batch ID#)

The body text of the message displays the following information:

Batch ID: {Batch ID#}

Source System: {Source system name}

Start: {Start date}

End: {End date}


Batch Summary:

X Org Unit(s) processed

X Course Template(s) processed

X Course Section(s) processed

X User(s) processed

X Enrollment(s) processed



X Org Unit(s) could not be processed

X Course Template(s) could not be processed

X Course Section(s) could not be processed

X User(s) could not be processed

X Enrollment(s) could not be processed

When X = 0 line will not show in email