Enabling comments on an artifact, collection, reflection, presentation, or learning objective allows users who are viewing the item to leave feedback. Use this feature to collaborate with peers so they may congratulate you on your work, provide constructive criticism, or point out additional resources.
Enabling assessments for an artifact, collection, reflection, presentation, or learning objective allows users with the appropriate permissions to evaluate the item using a rubric. You must select which rubric you want users to evaluate your work against from the list of rubrics provided by your organization.
When others comment and assess an item in your portfolio, their feedback becomes a part of the item. You can see it below the item's details when viewing the item, or through the feeds and widgets on your ePortfolio dashboard.
Note Selecting this check box allows users with the appropriate permissions to leave comments on the item. Click Share from an item's context menu to assign permissions to a user.
Note Selecting this check box allows users with the appropriate permissions to leave assessments on the item. Click Share from an item's context menu to assign permissions to a user.