Accessible HTML templates

The following template packages were designed by Desire2Learn to make it easier for course instructors to create accessible, professional looking HTML content files.

The templates use a cascading style sheet (CSS) to format the content in HTML files. To use a template effectively, you must save the TemplateFiles folder containing the stylesheet.css file and supporting images in the same root folder as your HTML files and reference the CSS file appropriately.

  1. Available templates
  2. Add a template package to Manage Files
  3. Use a template file in the Content tool
  4. Swap CSS files to change the appearance of your HTML content topics
  5. Edit a CSS file to change the appearance of your HTML content topics

Available templates

To the extent possible under law, Desire2Learn Incorporated has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the accessibility templates listed above.

Add a template package to Manage Files

  1. Save the template package you want to use to your local machine as a zip file.
  2. Go to the Manage Files tool.
  3. At your course root, select Upload.
  4. Select the template package zip file and click Upload.
  5. Unzip the file.
  6. Use the Manage Files tool to view the HTML files available with the package.
  7. Create copies of the HTML files you want to use as templates in the Content tool.
    • TemplateStyles This file demonstrates each template style
    • TemplateDetails This file provides an overview of accessibility principles related to the different template styles
    • SampleSyllabus This fie contains a sample syllabus using some of the styles
    • SampleContentTopic This file contains a sample content topic using most of the styles

    We suggest that you create copies of the sample HTML files so you always have unedited template files to refer to.

Use a template file in the Content tool

  1. Go to the Content tool.
  2. Select New Topic.
  3. Select Course File.
  4. Give your new topic a Parent Module and Title.
  5. Select the Browse button beside the Course File field.
  6. Select the copy HTML template file you want to use as your template, and click Select File.
  7. Update the file with your course content using the HTML Editor. If you copy, paste and overwrite content in the editor view (WYSIWYG), the style formatting should be maintained.

    Note You cannot see all of the template styles and images in the editor. Preview the file periodically to ensure it is formatted as expected.

  8. Click Save.

If you want to create another content topic based on the template topic, you can copy the file you just created or create another new topic based on the copy HTML template file.

Swap CSS files to change the appearance of your HTML content topics

  1. Go to the Manage Files tool.
  2. Open the TemplateFiles folder.
  3. Select and Delete all of the template files.
  4. Save the Desire2Learn template package you want to use to your local machine and unzip it.
  5. Upload all of the files in the TemplateFiles folder of the new package to the TemplateFiles folder in Manage files.

Edit a CSS file to change the appearance of your HTML content topics

  1. Go to the Manage Files tool.
  2. Open the TemplateFiles folder.
  3. Use the context menu to select Edit File for the stylesheet.css file.
  4. Make your changes and click Save.

See also


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