Creating questions in the Question Library

Question types

You can create the following question types in the Question Library:

You can create the following information items in the Question Library:

See Managing questions in the Question Library to learn more about how to create mandatory questions, and how to edit, preview, order, delete, and publish questions.


Create a question or an information item in the Question Library

In the Question Library, click New and select the appropriate question type or information. See Question types for detailed information about creating each question type and information item.

Question feedback and hints

All question types allow you to include Feedback and Hints. Feedback enables you to provide added information as a basis for improving content comprehension. Hints are useful for suggesting how to approach a question.

You can provide feedback comments at the end of a question to indicate correct and incorrect answers, where a correct answer can be found in the course content, and what details instructors are looking for in an ideal answer.

Note  If you want users to see hints to questions, you must select the check box allow Hints in the Properties tab when you create or edit quizzes and self assessments.

See also


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