Grading a quiz

On the Manage Quizzes page, click Grade from the context menu of the quiz you want to grade. You can grade by Attempts or by Questions (item analysis). Select the grade option you want from the appropriate tab.

Grading by attempt

Modify display options

Click Display Options and select the appropriate check boxes to modify the following:

Grade a quiz by attempt

The following displays at the top of a quiz result:

  1. Click on the attempt you want to grade. The user's entire quiz displays, including question data, the user's answers and the correct answers. If a user's answer is correct it appears with a check mark and if it is wrong it displays with an X.
  2. Provide overall quiz feedback in the Attempt Comments field.
  3. Enter individual question feedback in the Feedback field beneath each question.
  4. If you want to override an existing auto-grade, enter a new value in the Final Score field.
  5. After you finish manually grading a quiz, click Recalculate.
  6. Select the Graded check box if you are ready to make the score part of the user's overall quiz grade, and allow the user to view the grade.
  7. Click Save.

Grading by question

While grading a quiz, click the Questions tab to view quiz responses by question. Before you click on a question, there are two options available to view question responses: Grade Individual Responses and Update All Attempts.

Grade Individual Responses

Grade Individual Responses enables you to grade a quiz one question at a time. This means you can grade and leave feedback for all responses to each question before moving onto the next question. There are two additional options available in this view:

Blind Marking  Student information does not appear alongside responses and responses display in a shuffled order. This aids in preventing unintentional bias during marking.

View Graded Responses  Previously-graded responses appear as part of the response queue.

Update All Attempts

Update All Attempts enables you to view question statistics, make grading changes, and leave feedback for all responses to the selected question.

Question statistics display a percentage breakdown of how users responded to the question and the date of the most recent response. Other information that displays in the question statistics includes the quiz version, question text and options, and number of responses for each option.

Below the question statistics, there are options to modify the grade for all responses to the current question. Use Grading Type to override grades for all users at once, instead of individually updating each quiz attempt. The following options are available for the Grading Type:

Give to all attempts  Allows you to award points to all users who received the current question on their quiz. Type the desired point value in the text field.

Give to attempts with answer (#)  Allows you to award points for a specific response. This is useful if a question was incorrectly set up when the quiz was created. For example, if students who complete the quiz receive a grade value of 0 when they really should receive a grade value of 1, you can use this option to award them the appropriate grade value.

Note  Any changes made to the grading of a quiz question record in the Modifications Log. The log documents the date, time, username, and action taken for each change to quiz grading.


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