Creating self assessments

  1. On the Manage Self Assessments page, click New Self Assessment.
  2. Enter a Name.
  3. Select a Category from the drop-down list if you want to group your self assessment with an existing category. If you haven't set up categories for your self assessments, click add category to create and name a new category. See Creating and managing self assessment categories for more information.
  4. Select allow hints if you want users to access hints to questions. See Self assessment feedback and hints for information about how to use hints. See Create a self assessment question or an information item to learn how to add hints to your self assessment questions.
  5. Click Expand page header/footer to add information or instructions to the top or bottom of the self assessment page. Change page header and footer visibility by selecting on or off.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Note  You can edit all details for a self assessment after you create it by clicking the name of the self assessment on the Manage Self Assessments page.

See also


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