Creating surveys

Creating a survey involves a series of steps. After you name a survey, you can define its general properties, restrictions, learning objectives, reports, and layout/questions.

  1. Create a survey
  2. Understanding survey properties
  3. Understanding survey restrictions
  4. Understanding survey objectives
  5. Understanding survey reports setup
  6. Understanding survey layout/questions

Create a survey

  1. On the Manage Surveys page, click New Survey.
  2. Enter a Name and define additional settings for your survey. See the following sections for more information about survey settings in each tab.
  3. Click Save.

Understanding survey properties


Category  Group your survey under an existing category or create a new category. Categories are useful for organizing surveys with similar or related content.

Feedback  Users receive feedback immediately after answering a question.

Anonymous  Hides user data in survey results. The responses to survey questions are available for all users, but the system does not report who made what response.


Create a description and submission message for your survey. Manage visibility options by selecting on or off.

Description  Create a description at the start of the survey. Users will see the description at the top of the page before the first question.

Submission Message  Display a message to users immediately after they submit the survey.

Page Footer

Add information or instructions to the bottom of the survey page. Change page footer visibility by selecting on or off.


Add a rubric to your survey if you want to evaluate the overall quality of survey responses.

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Understanding survey restrictions


Setting your survey status to Active allows users to see and take the survey. You can specify a date or date range that your survey becomes available to users. You can also add surveys associated with a date to your course calendar.

Additional Release Conditions

Create new, or attach existing release conditions if you want a survey to be available to users only after they fulfill other specified tasks. Examples of release conditions include completing a dropbox submission, scoring a specified grade in a particular quiz, completing a self assessment, and being enrolled in a particular section. You can edit and change release conditions by clicking the Remove icon or Remove All Conditions.

User Responses

Set a response type to specify the number of survey attempts users are allowed.

Unlimited  Users can answer and submit a survey as many times as they want.

Single attempt that is editable  Allows users a single survey attempt. They can re-access and edit responses as long as the survey is still available.

Limited  Sets a number of permissible survey attempts.

Advanced Availability

You can search and assign specific users a different set of survey availability dates. Special access properties enable you to increase the time limit for special-needs users and allow different start and end dates for individual users.

Create special access to a survey

  1. Click Add Users to Special Access.
  2. If you want to make the survey available to selected users during a special time period, enter a Start Date and/or End Date in the Special Access Properties section.
  3. Search for users and select the check boxes beside the names of users you want to assign special access to.
  4. Click Add Special Access.
  5. When you return to the Advanced Availability section of the Restrictions tab, you can select Allow only users with special access to see this survey to prevent other users from accessing the survey.

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Understanding survey objectives

Associate a survey with learning objectives that you want users to master. See Associating surveys with learning objectives for more information.

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Understanding survey reports setup

Use survey reports to gather information on survey data. Survey reports are different from survey results; they collect and present more types of information than is available through results. Choose a report type to display question statistics, question details, users statistics, attempt details, or user attempts. You can also select a release date and choose which roles have permission to view each report.

Create a report

  1. Click Add Report.
  2. Enter a Report Name.
  3. Select Report Type:
    • Summary Report  You can display aggregate data for multiple choice, true and false, Likert, multi-select, and matching question types. You can also display text responses for long answer, short answer, and fill in the blanks question types.
    • Individual Attempts  This report displays each attempt individually. You can choose to hide the user’s first and last name when the Individual Attempts report is viewed.
  4. You can choose to immediately release a report after a survey submission, or enter an alternate date and time.
  5. In the Release Report To section, select the check box beside each role you want to release the report to.
  6. Click Save.

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Understanding survey layout/questions

Click Add/Edit Questions to create survey questions.

Questions Per Page

Once you add questions to your survey, you can enter a value in the text field to indicate how many questions to display per page. Limiting the amount of questions available at a time is less overwhelming than placing an entire survey on one page. You can also choose to prevent users from moving backwards through pages once they have left a page of questions.

Survey Layout

Click on a question from the Survey Layout section to preview it. Click Edit Values then select or clear the check box beside each question to modify their "Mandatory" answer status. Click Add/Edit Questions to create new questions, sections, information, and manage other question properties.

Note  You can also edit values and preview questions in the Add/Edit Questions area.

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See also


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