About User Progress

The User Progress tool helps track student progress in a course by measuring their completion of 9 different progress indicators. Instructors can use User Progress to track their students' overall progress and prepare progress reports, while students can use User Progress to keep track of all of their course-specific assignments and feedback. Progress reports are available for the following progress indicators:

The User Progress interface consists of three main areas:

The User Progress tool is accessible from both My Home and the course level. From My Home, students can access their own progress reports for all of the courses they have active enrollment in. At the course level, both instructors and students can access user progress reports for the course they are currently in, although students can only view their own progress.

Instructors can see an additional view called Class Progress, which is accessible at the org unit level. Class Progress lists all of the students enrolled in the class, and displays 4 of the 9 available progress indicators. By default, Content, Objectives, Logins, and Grades display. You can switch which progress indicators display based on preference. This view enables instructors to see and compare class progress between all of their students at a glance.

Access User Progress

Access Class Progress

Do one of the following:

Managing User Progress settings

By default, the Reports Detail area displays all 9 progress indicators in the Progress Summary report. You can remove progress indicators from the summary report using Settings. You can also adjust color indicators in Settings - color indicators help you track which students are On Track, which students you should have Some Concerns about, and which students are At Risk.

Change User Progress settings

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Make your changes, then click Save and Close.

Interpreting the Grades chart

An example of the Grades box plot graph.

The Grades box plot graph

The Grades box plot graph represents the full range of possible grades (0%-100%) in one bar. The start and end brackets represent the actual range of grades for the item. The start bracket represents the lowest grade achieved for the grade item, while the end bracket represents the highest grade achieved for the grade item. The blue bar represents the middle range of grades for the class, excluding the bottom 25% of the class and the top 25% of the class. A black square () represents the individual user's grade for the item. Their grade also displays numerically, along with any previously established grade and color schemes. A vertical white line ( ) represents the mean grade for the item.

Note  For more information about setting up grade schemes, see Creating a grade scheme.

Managing Class Progress settings

Use the Class Progress page to track the performance of all course participants. This page displays the name, username, and Org Defined ID for each course participant. Additionally, it lists the following performance indicators from left to right by default: Content, Objectives, Logins, and Grades. These indicators are replaceable using Settings.

Change Class Progress settings

  1. On the Class Progress page, click Settings.
  2. Select Replace from the context menu of the indicator you want to replace.
  3. On the Select Progress Indicator page, click on the progress indicator you want to use as a replacement.
  4. To replace more progress indicators, repeat steps 2-3.
  5. Select Move Up or Move Down from the context menu of a progress indicator to rearrange the order in which it appears in Class Progress.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Note  A maximum of 4 progress indicators can display at one time on the Class Progress page.

Switch from Class Progress to User Progress

  1. Switch back to the User Progress view from the Class Progress view by clicking on a progress indicator for an individual user. This displays the progress indicator report in the Report Details area for that user.
  2. Click Summary in the Reports List area to view that user's Progress Summary.

Filter Class Progress

Select a group or section to view Class Progress for from the Filter to drop-down list.


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