Exporting events and subscribing to iCal feeds

  1. About iCal feeds
  2. Exporting an iCal file
  3. Subscribing to an iCal feed

About iCal feeds

Use iCal feeds to access your Calendar events outside of the learning tool. With iCal feeds, you can view your course events in external calendars such as Microsoft Outlook® and Google Calendar®, and mobile devices such as iPhones, Blackberries, and Android phones.

Enable iCal feeds

  1. Click Settings in the calendar views area.
  2. Select Enable Calendar Feeds.

Exporting an iCal file

Exporting iCal files allows you to export your calendar events as static events into external calendar tools such as Google Calendar® or Microsoft Outlook®. Your external calendar will not reflect changes subsequently made to your Learning Suite calendar.

Export iCal files

To Do this
Export all Calendars and Tasks
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select All Calendars and Tasks from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Download, then click Open. This will download the iCal file to your desktop and import it into your default calendar application.
Export one Calendar
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select which calendar you want to export from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Download, then click Open. This will download the iCal file to your desktop and import it into your default calendar application.
Export tasks
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select Tasks Only from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Download, then click Open. This will download the iCal file to your desktop and import it into your default calendar application.

Subscribing to an iCal feed

Subscribing to iCal feeds syncs your external calendar application or device with the Learning Suite Calendar tool, keeping you updated without necessarily logging in to Learning Environment.

Subscribe to an iCal feed

To Do this
Subscribe to all calendars (including your Tasks)
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select All Calendars and Tasks from the drop-down list.
  3. Copy and the paste the URL into an external calendar tool.
Subscribe to one calendar
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select which calendar you want to subscribe to from the drop-down list.
  3. Copy and the paste the URL into an external calendar tool.
Subscribe to your Tasks
  1. Click Subscribe in the calendar views area.
  2. Select Tasks Only from the drop-down list.
  3. Copy and the paste the URL into an external calendar tool.

Note  Refer to your device or application instructions for adding an iCal feed, as each application can have a different method for managing iCal feeds.


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