Downloading content

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can download individual topics or whole modules from the Content tool. You can also download all modules and topics in your course from the Table of Contents page in the Content tool. Downloading content to your computer is useful for viewing content offline. Your content downloads as zipped files and folders.

Download all content

  1. On the Table of Contents page, click Download from the More Actions button.
  2. Select where you want to save the files on your computer.

Download a module

  1. Click on the module you want to download from the Table of Contents panel.
  2. Click Download from the More Actions button.
  3. Select where you want to save the files on your computer.

Download a topic

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Click Download from the topic's context menu.
  3. Select where you want to save the file on your computer.

Sending content to a mobile device via Desire2Learn Binder

You can send certain topics in Content to your mobile device via Send to Binder. For more information about the Desire2Learn Binder app and its supported document types, see the Desire2Learn Binder™ 1.5.0 Admin Guide.


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