Editing a discussion forum gives you the ability to change the forum name, availability and locking options, release conditions, and group restrictions. Editing a discussion topic gives you the ability to reassign the topic to a different forum, rename the topic, change the availability and locking options, restrictions, and assessment options, and associate learning objectives to the topic.
Copying a forum creates a new forum with the same properties as the original. You can copy the forum’s topics and any pinned threads within those topics. Copying a forum does not copy any normal, unpinned threads inside the forum’s topics; however you can copy or move individual threads from existing topics once you create the new topics.
Copying a topic creates a new topic with the same properties as the original. Links to grade items or competency activities are not copied. You can choose to copy pinned threads along with the topic. Copying a topic does not copy any normal, unpinned threads inside the topic; however you can copy or move individual threads from inside the existing topic after you create the new topic. See Copy or move a thread for more information.
If you want to copy topics into another course offering, see Copying course components between org units. If you want to move a topic from one forum to another, click Edit Topic from the context menu of the topic you want to move, then select the desired forum from the Forum drop-down list in the Properties tab.
Discussion threads and posts can be moved to topics other than the original topic they are posted to. If you think a thread or post belongs in a different topic, you can move it by copying it and choosing the option to delete the original thread or post. If a thread or post is applicable to more than one topic, you can copy it into as many other topics as you want.
Important If you choose to delete the original thread post and do not choose to copy its replies, the system will delete any replies made to the thread.
Important If you choose to delete the original post and do not choose to copy its replies, the system will delete any replies made to the post.
Copying is the only task that is significantly different when working with shared forums and topics (as opposed to course-specific forums and topics), because you can copy shared forums and topics between org units.
For example, if you create a shared forum and set of topics in the Math department, you can use the Copy command from the Shared Discussions List page to copy this structure to the English department, the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, the Fall 2012 semester, or any other org unit that supports shared forums.
See Shared forums and topics for more information about shared forums and topics.
Reorder forums and topics when you want to change the order in which they appear to users, based on your course and teaching preferences.
Click Delete Thread from the context menu of the thread you want to delete.
Important When you delete a post, the system also deletes any replies to that post.
Click Delete Post from the context menu of the post you want to delete.
You must have the Delete and Restore Forums and Topics permission enabled to restore deleted topics and forums.
Note If the forum you restore contains one or more topics, you will be given the option to also restore the forum's associated topics.
To restore a deleted post, you must have permission See Deleted Posts enabled and you must have the Display deleted posts option enabled on the Settings page.
Click the Restore Thread link in the thread you want to restore.
Click the Restore Post link in the post you want to restore.
Note If the post you restore is a reply to another post, and the other post was also deleted, both posts restore.