If a topic requires post approval, posts only appear to users with permission to approve them. You must manually approve these posts to make them visible to all users. Users with permission to approve posts in a topic can create posts automatically without requiring their approval.
You can enable and disable post approval from the Properties tab when creating or editing a forum or topic. Once you enable post approval , a Posts require approval icon appears beside the forum or topic name.
If a post is not appropriate for the topic and you do not want to approve it, you can do any of the following:
Click Edit from the context menu of the forum or topic you want to add post approval to and select A moderator must approve individual posts before they display in the forum in the Properties tab to ensure that you have the ability to approve posts activated.
Click Approve all Replies in Thread from the context menu of the thread to approve all posts in the thread.
Click the Approve Post link inside the post you want to approve, or click
Approve Post from the context menu of the post.
Click Unapprove Thread from the context menu of the thread you want to unapprove.
Click Unapprove Post from the context menu of the post you want to unapprove.
You can find unapproved posts in the following ways:
Editing a post allows you to change the subject or text, add or remove attachments, or change whether the post is pinned. You cannot make a post anonymous or change the name of the author. Users who edit a post appear in a list in the post’s history log.
Identify edited posts by the Last Edited icon in the post header.
Note In order to edit other users' posts, you must have the Edit Any Post permission enabled for your role.
When a post is edited, the post history log records all previous versions of the post, its editors, and when it was approved or unapproved.
Click View Post History from the context menu of the post.