Viewing and exporting discussion statistics

Viewing discussion statistics

Statistics give you an overview of user activity in your discussion topics and forums. You can use this information to determine which topics stimulate conversation and which do not, or which students post frequently and which hang back. As the semester unfolds, you can use statistics to pinpoint topics in need of conversation-starters and to follow the participation levels of different users. You can send email reminders to users who have not been participating or ask overly vocal users to slow down and give others a chance to contribute. When the semester ends, statistics help you identify the topics that were most effective and the ones you might want to omit or modify for the next course.


View statistics for a specific forum or topic

Click View Topic Statistics or View Forum Statistics from the context menu of the forum or topic you want to view.

View statistics for the entire course,

On the Discussions List page, click Statistics from the tool navigation.

Exporting discussion statistics

You can export statistics to a CSV file and then import the data into a spreadsheet application to perform further analysis.

Export statistics

  1. On the Discussions List page, click Statistics from the tool navigation.
  2. Click Export to CSV File.
  3. Once the file has finished processing, click the file name to download the file.


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