Downloading dropbox folder submission files

If you need to access submission files offline instead of viewing them directly from Dropbox's document viewer, you can download submissions to your computer. You can also leave feedback in downloaded submission files, and upload the files back to the dropbox folder in the form of attachments (files are attached to each user's submission evaluation). See Uploading and attaching feedback from downloaded submission files for more information.

Download submission files

  1. On the Folder Submissions page, do one of the following:
    • In the Users tab, select the check box beside each user or group with dropbox files you want to download.
    • In the Files tab, select the check box beside each file you want to download.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Click on the newly created zip folder.
  4. Use your browser’s "Save" dialog to save the files to your computer.
  5. Notes  
    • Dropbox renames each downloaded submission file to include a unique user ID, the user's name, or the group's name along with the submitting user's name, and the submission date and time.
    • Dropbox marks downloaded submission files with a Read icon.
  6. Extract the files from the saved zip folder. You can now open an extracted file to view the submission.
  7. Important  If you want to leave feedback directly in a downloaded submission and attach it to a user's dropbox submission evaluation, do not rename the file name when you save your changes. This ensures easier upload and distribution back to students.

See also


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