Creating, running, editing, and deleting intelligent agents

You can create, edit, and delete intelligent agents from the Agent List page. When you create a new agent you need to determine:

Create an intelligent agent

  1. Click New on the Agent List page.
  2. Enter an Agent Name.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select the Agent is enabled check box if you want the agent enabled once you save.
  5. Determine the criteria the agent looks for:
    1. If you want the agent to search for login activity, select the Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied check box and choose which of the two login activities you want to monitor.
    2. If you want the agent to search for course activity, select the Take action when the following course activity criteria are satisfied check box and choose which of the two course activities you want to monitor.
    3. Click Attach Existing or Create and Attach to select or create release conditions for the agent to monitor.
  6. Determine the action the agent takes when its conditions are met:
    1. Select one of the Action Repetition options to set whether the agent takes action once or every time the conditions are met.
    2. If you want the agent to run on a schedule, select the Use Schedule check box, then click the Update Schedule button.
    3. Set the schedule in the Update Agent Schedule pop-up.
    4. Click Update to save the schedule and return to the New Agent page.
  7. Select HTML or Plain Text for the email format.
  8. Enter the names of recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. You can use special replace strings in these fields. See Replace strings for intelligent agents.
  9. Enter a Email Subject. You can use special replace strings in this field.
  10. Enter a Message.
  11. Click Save and Close.

Run an agent manually

Typically, intelligent agents are set up to run automatically. If you do not have a regular schedule set up for an agent, you must run it manually.

On the Agent List page, click Run Now from the context menu of the agent you want to run manually.

Edit an agent

  1. On the Agent List page, click on the agent you want to edit.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Delete an agent

On the Agent List page, click Delete from the context menu of the agent you want to delete.

Note  You cannot recover deleted agents.

See also


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