Creating presentations

Presentations let you compile ePortfolio items into a web project to showcase your achievements. Your presentations can have multiple pages and use different themes and layouts. Presentations provide a polished, professional medium to demonstrate your learning and accomplishments.

  1. Create a new presentation
  2. Adding items to presentations
  3. Modifying the layout of presentation pages
  4. Setting the presentation banner
  5. Selecting and modifying a theme
  6. Copying presentations


Create a new presentation

  1. On the My Items page, click New Presentation.
  2. Give the presentation a Name and Description.
  3. Add any tags you want the presentation to have.
  4. Select the check boxes in the Comments/Assessments section if you want to provide others the option to review your presentation when you share it.
  5. Click Save.

Adding items to presentations

Use the Content/Layout tab to add items to your presentations. You can add items on a single page or create multiple pages.

Tip  Consider giving each item a unique name. If you have multiple headings or items with the same name in a single presentation it might be difficult for people using screen readers and other non-visual assistive technologies to determine which item or section they are viewing.

Add items to a presentation

  1. Click the Content/Layout tab on the Edit Presentation page.
  2. Click Add Component in the content area you want to add an item to.
  3. Select the type of item you want to add.
  4. Select the item you want to add.
  5. Click Add.

Edit the display options for items in a presentation

  1. On the Content/Layout tab, open the context menu beside an item.
  2. Click Edit Display Options.
  3. Change the Title or Description of the item, if desired.

    Note  This will only change the title or description within the presentation.

  4. Choose whether you want the artifact to display in-place or as a link (if applicable).

    Note  You can display the following file types in-place: HTML, BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG. Flash and QuickTime file formats require corresponding browser plugins.

  5. Choose whether you want to auto-fit the artifact to the content area it displays in, or maintain its original size (if applicable).
  6. Select which reflections associated with the artifact to display in the presentation (if applicable).
  7. Select the appropriate options related to displaying comments and assessments.

    Note  The Comments enabled check box on the Edit Display options page corresponds to the Comments Enabled checkbox that appears on the Content/Layout tab. Selecting one enables the other and vice versa.

  8. Click Save.

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Modifying the layout of presentation pages

Use the Content/Layout tab to change where the navigation area appears on presentation pages and the arrangement of content.

Edit Presentation Navigation  Sets where the page naviagation appears. This is a presentation-level setting; you cannot select a different navigation position per presentation page.

Edit Page Layout  Sets the positioning of the content areas. This is a page-level setting; each page in your presentation can have different page layouts.

Item context menus enable you to move items to different content areas, change the order of items within a content area, and remove items from your presentation.

Use the Pages section of Content/Layout tab to add new pages to your presentation and reorder existing pages. If you have a large presentation, you can hide pages from the navigation by editing their Page Properties.

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Setting the presentation banner

A banner appears at the top of every page in a presentation. The presentation title usually appears in the banner, much like a header in a book. You can include additional text in the banner as a description.

On the Edit Presentation page, click on the Banner tab to enter a banner title and description.

Note  The theme of the presentation controls the style of the banner, including the background and fonts used. Use the Theme tab to modify banner and presentation styles.

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Selecting and modifying a theme

Themes are default style templates that give your presentations a consistent look and feel. Themes are comprised of styles which control one aspect of the design. For example, there are separate styles that control the look of titles, links, dates, and images.

Your organization provides presentation themes, but you may be able to change some or all aspects of a theme.

Choose a theme

  1. On the Edit Presentation page, click the Theme tab.
  2. Click Select beside the theme you want to apply to your presentation.

Modify a theme

  1. Click the Edit styles icon beside your current theme.
  2. Select the page element you want to modify.

    Tip  Use the Filter drop-down list to view specific groupings of elements.

  3. Use the options that appear under the Preview area to edit the style.
  4. Repeat for remaining elements.
  5. Click Save.

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Copying presentations

On the My Items page, click Copy from a presentation's context menu.

The following information copies:

The following information does not copy:

Note You can copy presentations only from your own ePortfolio.

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See also


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