Creating sections in the Question Library

Create sections to organize your questions into folders. You can do this in the Question Library or while creating a quiz, survey, or self assessment by clicking Add/Edit Questions in the Layout/Questions tab. All of these areas are identical in functionality, however, when you click Add/Edit Questions within the Quizzes, Surveys, or Self Assessments tools, you create folders directly within the assessment tool you are using, not in the main Question Library.

You can also import sections from the Question Library directly into a quiz, survey, or self assessment. Importing sections from the Question Library will transfer section folders and all of their associated properties (section name, messages, images, or feedback).

Note  Although you can create subsections within sections, we recommend you keep question organization simple and intuitive.

Create a section in in the Question Library

  1. In the Question Library, click New and select Section.
  2. Enter the name of the section in the Section Name field.
  3. Enter a Message (optional). You can choose to display this message to users at the beginning of the section or repeated before each question in the section (refer to Step 6).
  4. Enter Private Comments (optional). These comments are for your personal use and view only.
  5. You can add an image to the section by clicking Add a File and selecting the image you want to use. You can choose to display this image at the beginning of the section or repeated before each question in the section (refer to Step 6).
  6. Set your Display Options:
    • show section name  Displays the section name in quizzes, surveys, and self assessments that contain this section.
    • insert a line break after section name  Inserts extra space below the section name.
    • display message and image  
      • Select display section message and image once to display these items once at the beginning of the section.
      • Select repeat section message and image before each question to repeat both the message and image before each question in the section.
  7. You can add Section Feedback.
  8. Click Save.

Note  Managing sections (renaming, reordering, deleting, publishing) is similar to managing questions. See Managing questions in the Question Library for more information about editing sections.

See also


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