Creating quizzes

Creating a quiz involves a series of steps. After you name a quiz, you can access its tab menus to define general properties, restrictions, attempts, learning objectives, submission views, reports, and layout/questions.

  1. Create a quiz
  2. Understanding quiz properties
  3. Understanding quiz restrictions
  4. Understanding quiz attempts
  5. Understanding quiz objectives
  6. Understanding quiz submission views
  7. Understanding quiz reports setup
  8. Understanding quiz layout/questions

Create a quiz

  1. On the Manage Quizzes page, click New Quiz.
  2. Enter a Name.
  3. Select a Category from the drop-down list if you want to group your quiz with an existing category. If you haven't set up categories for your quiz, click add category to create and name a new category. See Creating and managing quiz categories for more information.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Understanding quiz properties


When you create and name your quiz, you can add it to a category, associate it with a grade item, attach rubric criteria, and allow users to include it in their ePortfolio. The following options are available in general properties:

Category  Group your quiz under an existing category or create a new category. Categories are useful for organizing quizzes with similar or related content.

Grade Item  When associated with a quiz, you have the option to auto export quiz results to the Grades tool.

Auto Export to Grades  The system can send auto-graded attempt scores directly to the grade book if a quiz is associated with a grade item.

Student View Preview  If you associate the quiz with a grade item, you can click Edit Display Settings from the Student View Preview context menu to edit how grades display to students.

Rubrics  Add a rubric to a quiz if you want to evaluate users with a predefined set of criteria. You can associate a rubric with a quiz to demonstrate fair and consistent evaluation.

Automatic Grade  Users can see quiz grade immediately after completion and submission.

Note  The ability to display an automatic grade is limited by questions that cannot be auto-graded.

Portfolio Artifacts  Users can add the submission view of a quiz as an artifact to their ePortfolio.

Optional Advanced Properties

The following options are available in optional advanced properties:

Hints  Allows users to access hints to questions. See Quiz feedback and hints for more information about hints.

Notification Email  The email address or comma-separated list of email addresses specified in this field receive a message each time a user completes a quiz attempt.

Disable Right-Click  (Ctrl-click on a Mac) prohibits users from printing quiz questions by right-clicking on a question when taking a quiz.

Note  This option is not compatible with Macs when using Internet Explorer or Safari.

Disable Page Access  Users cannot access the Pager tool if they have a quiz attempt in progress.


Change description and introduction visibility by selecting on or off.

Description  Create a description for a quiz that is not yet available to users.

Introduction  Display a message to users at the start of a quiz. This will display at the top of a quiz before the first question.

Page Header/Footer

Add information or instructions to the top or bottom of the quiz page. Change page header and footer visibility by selecting on or off.

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Understanding quiz restrictions


Changing your quiz status to "Active" allows users to see and take a quiz. You can specify a date or date range that your quiz becomes available to users. You can also add quizzes associated with a date to your course calendar.

Additional Release Conditions

Create new, or attach existing release conditions if you want a quiz to be available to users only after they fulfill other specified tasks. Examples of release conditions include completing a dropbox submission; scoring a specified grade in a particular quiz; completing a survey; and being enrolled in a particular section. You can edit and change release conditions by clicking the Remove icon or Remove All Conditions.

Optional Advanced Restrictions

Password  To access a quiz, users must enter the same password you input here.

IP Restriction  Users can only access a quiz from the IP address you specify here. Leave fields blank to allow multiple IP address access points.


Time Limit  Enter a time limit for your quiz and select to enforce time and show clock. 120 minutes is the default time limit.

Grace Period  Enter a grace period to allow users to submit their quiz without a late flag after the quiz time limit expires.

Late Submissions  Select a penalty type for late submissions. You can select to have a late flag and no points deduction with Allow normal submission, set Late Limit minutes to give users a late grace period before receiving an auto-grade of 0, or select Auto-Submit Attempt to have the system automatically prompt users to submit their quiz attempt and block them from saving further progress after the specified time limit and grace period expire.


Advanced Availability

You can search and assign specific users a different set of quiz availability dates and late submission properties. Special access properties enable you to increase the time limit for special-needs users and allow different start and end dates for individual users.

Click Add Users to Special Access to create special access to a quiz. After you finish modifying special access properties and users permissions, click Add Special Access. When you return to the Advanced Availability section of the Restrictions tab, you can select Allow only users with special access to see this quiz to prevent other users from accessing the survey.

Options available using the Respondus LockDown Browser

If your organization purchases the Respondus LockDown Browser you will see two additional options on the Restrictions tab:

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Understanding quiz attempts


You can allow users one or more quiz attempts and calculate a grade based on their highest attempt, lowest attempt, first attempt, last attempt, or average of all attempts.

Advanced Attempt Conditions

Enter a maximum or minimum percentage achievement requirement for each quiz attempt to restrict access and determine qualification for another attempt.

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Understanding quiz objectives

Associate a quiz with a set of learning objectives and a competency that you want users to master. See Associating quizzes with learning objectives for more information.

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Understanding quiz submission views

Default view

A default quiz submission view will appear to users after each quiz attempt submission.

Additional view

You can edit the default view or create and select a customized view.

Create an additional view

  1. Click Add Additional View to create a new submission view.

    View Properties  Name your view and enter a message that will display to users after each submission.

    View Restrictions  Set a date and time or click Now to determine when users will see the submission view. If you select Now, users will see the submission view immediately after a quiz submission. You can also choose to display a submission view after users complete a specified quiz attempt and/or achieve a required score.

    View Details  You can customize and display questions, responses, question answers, scores, and statistics to users in the submission view.

  2. After changes are made, click Save View.

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Understanding quiz reports setup

Use quiz reports to gather information on user performance. Quiz reports are different from quiz statistics; they collect and present more types of information than is available through statistics. Choose a report type to display question statistics, question details, users statistics, attempt details, or user attempts. You can also select a release date and choose which roles have permission to view each report.

Create a report

  1. Click Add Report.
  2. Enter a Report Name.
  3. Select Report Type:
    • Question Statistics  Displays class average, score distribution, includes bonus questions, and the Out Of value for each question.
    • Question Details  Displays question difficulty levels, text responses, includes bonus questions, and shows all private comments.
    • User Statistics  Displays class average, score distribution, and Org Defined ID.
    • Attempt Details  Displays Org Defined ID and duration of quiz attempt.
    • User Attempts  Displays Org Defined ID.
  4. You can choose to immediately release report after a quiz submission, or enter an alternate date and time.
  5. In the Release Report To area, select the check boxes next to the roles you want to release the report to.
  6. Click Save Report.

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Understanding quiz layout/questions

Click Add/Edit Questions to create quiz questions.

Questions Per Page

Enter a value in the text field to indicate how many questions to display per page. Limiting the amount of questions available at a time is less overwhelming than placing an entire quiz on one page. You can also choose to prevent users from moving backwards through pages once they have left a page of questions.

Quiz Layout

Select quiz questions from the Quiz Layout area to preview a question. You can click Edit Values to modify points value, difficulty level, bonus questions, and mandatory questions. Click Add/Edit Questions to create new questions, sections, information, and to manage other question properties.

Note  You can edit values and preview questions through Add/Edit Questions.

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See also


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