Viewing quiz reports

You might be able to view quiz reports if instructors or course administrators choose to create quiz reports and set permissions to allow users to view information and statistics related to questions and user attempts.

You can view and export quiz statistics and reports to a CSV file for data analysis. The CSV file contains all pertinent information from the quiz so that you can query, sort, and evaluate the data without being connected to the learning management system. You must set up quiz reports from the Reports Setup tab for the appropriate quiz before you can view or export reports. See Creating quizzes to learn more about creating reports.

View a quiz report

  1. On the Quiz List or Manage Quizzes page, click Reports from the context menu of the quiz you want to view.
  2. Click on the report you want to view.
  3. Select the From and To check boxes and set the calendar dates to restrict your report to a specific time frame.
  4. Click Generate CSV Report to save the report as a CSV file on your computer, or click Generate HTML Report to view the report in your browser.

Data exported with quiz reports

Report Type What it includes

Question Statistics

The average score on questions by points and percentage.

Unlike a report created using the Questions Stats tab on the Quiz Stats page, you can choose to exclude the class average, score distribution, bonus questions, or the Out Of value.

You can also set a release date for this report.

Question Details

All of the answers provided for each quiz attempt, how many users chose each possible answer, the total number of responses, and the average score on each question.

Unlike a report created using the Question Details tab on the Quiz Stats page, you can choose to exclude the level of difficulty, text responses, or bonus questions. You can also choose to include private comments added to the report.

You can also set a release date for this report.

Users Statistics

The class average, score distribution, and the grade of each user.

Unlike a report created using the User Stats tab on the Quiz Stats page, you can choose to exclude the class average, score distribution, or Org Defined ID.

You can also set a release date for this report.

Attempt Details

The Org Defined ID, username, first name, and last name of each user. Detailed information about each question. The users’ responses for each question organized by attempt, including how long each attempt took.

The ability to set a start or end date for which attempts to include.

You can also set a release date for this report.

User Attempts

The Org Defined ID, username, first name, and last name of each user. The users’ score for each question in points and percentage organized by attempt, including how long each attempt took.

The ability to set a start or end date for which attempts to include.

You can also set a release date for this report.


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