Viewing quiz statistics

View and export quiz statistics and reports to a CSV file for data analysis. The CSV file contains all pertinent information on the quiz so that you can query, sort, and evaluate the data without being connected to the learning management system. In this view, you can see a list of quizzes for the course. The average grade for each quiz displays beside the quiz name.

View quiz statistics

  1. On the Manage Quizzes page, click Statistics from the context menu of the quiz you want to view.
  2. On the View Statistics page, click the User Stats, Question Stats, and Question Details tabs to view statistics broken down by user and by question.
  3. Click Export to CSV file if you want to save the quiz's statistics to your computer.

Note  The system will export the statistics only from the tab you are currently viewing.

Understanding User Stats

User Stats CSV files contain performance data by user, including the user’s Org Defined ID, username, first name, last name, quiz score, the value the quiz was graded out of, the user’s score as a percentage, and the class average.

Tip  Create a column to calculate the median score on the quiz to consider the class’s performance from a different perspective. Use the formula <=median(x1:x5)> to calculate the median.

Understanding Question Stats

Question Stats CSV files contain data about the average score on questions by points and percentage.

The question title, text, bonus status, and difficulty level are included in the CSV file so that data can be analyzed without referring back to the learning management system.

Tip  You can sort, query, hide, and delete data to help your analysis and create charts or graphs to visually represent trends.

Understanding Question Details

Question Details CSV files contain detailed information about each question in the quiz, including a list of all of the answers provided for each quiz attempt, how many users chose each possible answer, the total number of responses, and the average score on the question. Question Details reports can help you evaluate trends in answers and look for questions that were unclear or difficult for a number of users.

The question title, text, bonus status, and difficulty level are included in the CSV file so that data can be analyzed without referring back to the learning management system.

Tip  Create a column that calculates the average score for all question attempts as a percentage by dividing the Average Score column by the Out Of column and multiplying by 100. Next, create a custom filter for the new Attempt Average column that displays only rows where the attempt average is less than 51%. This way you can quickly review questions that users struggle with and adjust grades or your lesson plans accordingly.

Data exported for question details

Question Type What is exported

Multiple Choice

All of the possible answers and the number of responses for each answer.

True or False

All of the possible answers and the number of responses for each answer.

Long Answer

All of the responses provided listed on separate rows.

Short Answer

The correct answer for each blank and an additional row for all other answers, and the number of responses for the correct answer versus other answers.

Multi-Short Answer

The correct answers for each blank and an additional row for all other answers, and the number of responses for the correct answer versus other answers.

Fill in the Blanks

The correct answers and an additional row for other answers, and the number of responses for the correct answer versus other answers.


All of the possible answers and the number of responses for each answer.


All of the possible matches and the number of responses for each match.


All of the answers in the order match and the number of responses for each match.


Questions broken down by results and units. Also lists which users had both results and units correct, only results correct, only units correct, and neither correct.

Significant Figures

Questions broken down by results and units. Also lists which users had both results and units correct, both results and units correct as well as significant figures, only results correct, only results and significant figures correct, only units correct, and neither results or units correct.

See also


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