Creating and managing attendance registers and sessions

Create attendance registers to track attendance for your course-based activities, such as a mandatory weekly chat session or optional discussion seminar.

  1. Create a new register
  2. Use the Cause for Concern metric
  3. Create sessions for your register
  4. Edit an attendance register
  5. Delete an attendance register

Create a new register

  1. On the main Attendance page, click New Register.
  2. Enter a Name for your register.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Choose an attendance scheme from the Attendance Scheme drop-down list.
  5. Enter a percentage in the Cause for Concern field if you want to see a Cause for Concern icon (warning) beside under performing users' names on the Attendance Data page.
  6. Select the check box to Allow users to view this attendance register.
  7. Select the users that you want to include in your register. You can choose to include all users or specific groups or sections.
  8. Add one or more sessions for your register.
  9. Click Save.

Use the Cause for Concern metric

The Cause for Concern metric helps you track users that fail to meet your attendance requirements by placing the Cause for Concern icon beside their names on the Attendance Data page.

  1. Enter a percentage that indicates your minimum attendance requirement in the Cause for Concern field.
  2. Click Save.

Create sessions for your register

Sessions define one or more events in your register. Your collective sessions make up your register.

For example, if you want to track attendance for a weekly seminar, you would create a "Weekly Seminar" register and then add sessions for each seminar using distinguishable session names "Week 1," "Week 2," etc.

  1. Click Add Sessions in the Sessions section of the New or Edit Register page.
  2. Enter a Name for each session.
  3. Enter a Description for each session.
  4. Click Save.

You can delete sessions in a register by clicking the Delete icon beside the applicable session on the Edit Register page. All attendance registers must have at least one session.

Important  Deleting a session clears all associated attendance data. Only delete sessions when you are confident that you no longer need the attendance data.

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Edit an attendance register

  1. Click Edit from the context menu of the register you want to edit.
  2. Make your revisions.
  3. Click Save.

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Delete an attendance register

Click Delete from the context menu of the register you want to delete.

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See also


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