Creating and managing attendance schemes

  1. Create a course attendance scheme
  2. Create an organization attendance scheme
  3. Copy an attendance scheme
  4. Check which registers are associated with a scheme
  5. Edit an attendance scheme
  6. Delete an attendance scheme

Create a course attendance scheme

  1. Click Attendance Schemes from the tool menu.
  2. Click New Scheme.
  3. Enter a Name for your scheme.
  4. In the Attendance Statuses section, enter a Symbol, Status Full Name, Assigned % and Order for each of your statuses.
  5. If you need more than three statuses, click Add Statuses. Enter a number in the corresponding field to add multiple statuses at one time.
  6. Click Save.

Create an organization attendance scheme

  1. From My Home, click the Attendance Schemes link from the Admin Tools menu on the minibar.
  2. Click New Scheme.
  3. Enter a name for your scheme.
  4. In the Attendance Statuses section, enter a Symbol, Status Full Name, Assigned %, and Order for each of your statuses.
  5. If you need more than three statuses, click Add Statuses.
  6. Click Save.

Copy an attendance scheme

Copy an existing scheme, such as the system scheme, to save time creating schemes. Copied schemes retain all statuses from the original scheme.

  1. From My Home, click the Attendance Schemes link from the Admin Tools menu on the minibar.
  2. Click Copy from the context menu of the scheme you want to copy. Your copied scheme automatically displays on the Attendance Schemes page.
  3. Click Edit from the context menu of the new copy to make revisions to it.

Check which registers are associated with a scheme

Click the Information icon beside the scheme that you want to see associated registers for.

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Edit an attendance scheme

You can safely add new statuses to an existing scheme without impacting your attendance data. You can also edit the properties of your statuses, even if the scheme is in use by a register. When you save your changes, all associated attendance data automatically updates.

  1. Click on the attendance scheme you want to edit on the Organization Attendance Schemes page.
  2. Make your revisions.
  3. Click Save.

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Delete an attendance scheme

Click Delete from the context menu of the attendance scheme you want to delete.

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See also


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