OriginalityCheck enables you to monitor dropbox submissions and identify potential cases of plagiarism by automatically comparing submissions to an online database of original content. You can then view Originality Reports which highlight key areas, show a breakdown of matching sources, and provide direct links to the matching content.
You can also take advantage of the integrated GradeMark which enables you to add comments, inline text, and highlight sections in file submissions, directly from the Dropbox tool.
Note OriginalityCheck and GradeMark features are enabled through integration with Turnitin from iParadigms, LLC. To use these features, first obtain a valid Turnitin account, and then login to your account to enable and configure the Desire2Learn integration and obtain your shared key. Visit http://www.turnitin.com for more information about obtaining a Turnitin account.
By default, OriginalityCheck is turned off for your organization. To activate OriginalityCheck, the following DOME variables must be enabled and properly updated for your org unit.
Dome Variable | Value |
d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.AccountID | Your Turnitin account ID number |
d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.SharedKey | Your Turnitin shared key |
d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.URL | The API URL provided by Turnitin for your account (typically https://www.turnitin.com/api.asp) |
d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.HasPlagiarismPrevention | On |
Contact your site administrator to update these DOME variables and obtain the appropriate account id, shared key, and URL from Turnitin for your organization.
If OriginalityCheck is activated for your org unit, a check box appears in the properties tab of the New/Edit Dropbox page.
Important You cannot disable OriginalityCheck once it is enabled for a dropbox folder.
Once you enable OriginalityCheck, an options area appears at the bottom of the New/Edit Dropbox page. Here you can enable detailed Originality Reports for dropbox submissions, control end user visibility, set the Originality Reports frequency, select which sources to check the submission against, and decide whether the current submission you are running the report against is added to the file index for new submissions to be checked against.
Select the Generate Originality Reports check box in the Originality Checking Options section of the Properties tab.
If your dropbox folder has Identify individual submissions for originality checking enabled, you will need to manually submit file submissions for originality checking. This is useful if you don’t want to check every file submission for plagiarism, but still want the ability to do so on a case-by-case basis.
View Originality Reports from the Folder Submissions page. When a report is available, the status changes from In-Progress to a percentage rating, which indicates the level of matching content.
Viewing a file submission summary
A lower percentage rating indicates that the content is likely original and has not been copied; a higher percentage rating indicates the content is likely not original and has been copied from another source.
The percentage ranges are associated with colors:
Click the colored section beside the percentage rating to view the associated Originality Report.
Opening Originality Reports
The Originality Report is comprised of two panes. The right pane lists all of the matching sources, including the percentage of text that matches and a link to the online content. The left pane displays the submission text using colored highlights to draw attention to the matching content.
Tip For more detailed help with Originality Reports, click the help link in the top-right corner of the report page.
The following file types are compatible with OriginalityCheck:
Note If a file type is incompatible with OriginalityCheck, the Information icon displays instead of the percentage rating.