Personalizing your dashboard and other settings

The Dashboard is a central area for managing your ePortfolio preferences, getting updates, and searching for items. Your dashboard makes it easy to quickly review changes to portfolio items you've recently worked on and to check for invites to view portfolio items from your peers.

  1. Access your dashboard
  2. Dashboard areas
  3. Changing your settings
  4. Changing your profile
  5. Checking your invites
  6. Subscribing to an RSS feed
  7. Searching for items from your dashboard

Access your dashboard

Click the ePortfolio link in the navigation bar or My Settings widget.

To return to your dashboard from another ePortfolio area, click Dashboard in the ePortfolio Areas left tool menu.

Dashboard areas

Your dashboard is divided into a number of customizable areas that provide a snapshot of your portfolio activity. You may change your dashboard settings so that all or some of the following areas are displayed.

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Changing your settings

The Settings area of the Dashboard lets you change display options and preferences for your portfolio.

Change your settings

  1. Click Settings on the top tool menu of your dashboard.
  2. Adjust settings as desired:
    Setting Description
    Dashboard Date Range Select how many days worth of past activity you want to show in your news feed.
    Newsfeed Display Options: Number of Items Select how many news feed items to display on the dashboard before displaying a link to show more items.
    Newsfeed Display Options: Events Per Item Select how many events (comments, assessments, reflections, edits) to display per item in the news feed before displaying a link to show more items.
    Newsfeed Display Options: My Modifications Select whether you want to show an update in your news feed when you create or edit an item in your own portfolio.
    Widget Display Options: Unread Invites Select whether the Unread Invites widget is displayed on the dashboard, its sort order, and how many items to display in the widget.
    Widget Display Options: My Items Recently Viewed by Others Select whether the My Items Recently Viewed by Others widget is displayed on the dashboard, its sort order, and how many items to display in the widget.
    Widget Display Options: Others' Items I Have Viewed Select whether the Others' Items I Have Reviewed widget is displayed on the dashboard, its sort order, and how many items to display in the widget.
    Widget Display Options: My Recently Edited Items Select whether the My Recently Edited Items widget is displayed on the dashboard, its sort order, and how many items to display in the widget.
    Default Settings: Allow comments on reflections, artifacts, collections and presentations by default

    Select whether the options to allow comments is selected by default when creating new items.

    Note This setting enables commenting, you still need to set permissions around who can add comments.

    Default Settings: Allow assessments on artifacts, collections and presentations by default

    Select whether the option to allow assessments is selected by default when creating new items.

    Note This setting enables assessments, you still need to set permissions around who can add assessments.

    Invite Delivery Method: Email Invitation

    Select the Email Invitation option if you want to receive an email when others invite you to view their portfolio.

    Note  A copy of the invite is always added to your Invites page.

    Start Page: Default Area

    Select which page you want to be the default page when you log into ePortfolio.

    Tip  Most people select their dashboard.

    Default Sharing Group: Default Sharing Group

    Select a default sharing group to apply to all new items in your portfolio that meet your filter criteria. Only use this option if you consistently share new items with the same group of users.

    Default Sharing Group: Type Filter Select which types of items to automatically share with the default sharing group.
    Default Sharing Group: Tag Filter

    Restrict sharing with the default sharing group to items that use specific tags.

    Tip  Using a tag filter for a default sharing group allows you to quickly share items by adding a tag.

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Changing your profile

Update your profile information to include personal information about yourself that you feel comfortable sharing with others. Your profile is the same as your profile in the Desire2Learn Learning Environment. Any changes are reflected in both places.

You can add your profile information to presentations.

Update your profile

  1. Click My Profile in the top tool menu of your dashboard.
  2. Update your information.
  3. Click Save.

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Checking your invites

When you receive an invite from another user to view an item in their portfolio, the invite is stored in the Invites area. You may also receive an email informing you of the invite, see the invite in your Unread Invites dashboard widget, or subscribe to the Unread Invites RSS feed.

The invite lets you know who shared the item with you, when it was shared, what type of item it is, and any description or tags that were added to it. The sender may also include a personalized message letting you know why they shared the item.

Check your invites

  1. Click Invites in the top tool menu of your dashboard.
  2. Click the subject of the invite.

    Tip You can open an associated portfolio item from the invite by clicking its name.

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Subscribing to an RSS feed

RSS feeds allow you to receive external notifications when changes occur in your portfolio. There are two RSS feeds that you can subscribe to:

To use the RSS feeds you must subscribe to an external RSS reader. There are many free RSS readers, such as Live Bookmarks and Google Reader, available on the internet.

Subscribe to an RSS feed

  1. From the Dashboard, click the Subscribe to Feedback RSS or Subscribe to Invite RSS icon.
  2. Follow the appropriate steps for adding the feed to the reader of your choice.

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Searching for items from your dashboard

The Dashboard allows you to search your entire portfolio (all item types at once) for an item. When you locate the item, you can open, edit, tag, or delete it. Advanced search options are available to help narrow your search.

Search for items from your dashboard

  1. Click Search in the top tool menu of the Dashboard area.
  2. Enter your search criteria, and click Search.

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