Desire2Learn Innovative Learning Technology

Desire2Learn Help

Desire2Learn Help is your source for the most recent user documentation.

Refer to Using this help system for information about the features of this online help system.

What's New in Desire2Learn Help for 9.2.0

Extended Learning Objects

Changes to the Competencies tool mean that learning objectives are now associated with actual course activites.

Objectives tab replaces Activities tab in several tools: Content, Discussions, Quizzes, Surveys, Grades, Dropbox.

Pager tool redesign

The redesigned Pager tool offers a more user friendly interface for sending and receiving instant messages.

Schedule tool renamed

The Schedule tool is now called the Calendar tool.

Push ePortfolio content to others

As part of the Import/Export tool, administrators and instructors can import copies of artifacts, reflections, and collections into other user' portfolios for their own use. Learn more about pushing ePortfolio items to others.

Learning Repository RSS feeds

Subscribe to RSS feeds in Learning Repository to receive notification for workflow updates within respositories and new publications to specific browse paths.

Mobile brand administration page

You can customize the appearance of the Mobile Web interface for your institution or course using the Mobile Brand Administration page.

Changes to existing features

Audio capture

New audio capture functionality enables you to create audio artifacts directly in the system.

New trigger for Intelligent Agents

You can now use the Last Course Access date as a trigger for Intelligent Agents to send users an email after a certain length of time passes.

Quiz grading by question

You can now grade quiz responses by individual question. See Grading a quiz by question.

Release conditions

Best practices for creating release conditions includes a new use case scenario (Scenario 3) to reflect enrolment date-based release conditions.

Transfer rubric scores and feedback to Dropbox assessment fields

From the Leave Feedback page in Dropbox, instructors can now quickly transfer the rubric score and feedback to the assessment score and feedback fields at the click of a button. These fields automatically transfer to associated grade items.

Terminology changes in ePortfolio

ePortfolio Permission Profiles are now called Sharing Groups and the act of setting an item's permissions is considered "sharing" or to "share". These terminology changes affect multiple topics in Desire2Learn Help.

Weighted gradebook categories

For weighted gradebook categories, you can now distribute weight evenly across all items. See Creating a grade book category.


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