Leaving feedback and grading dropbox assignments

The Leave Feedback page allows you to evaluate and leave feedback for submitted assignments.

If you use rubrics to assess Dropbox submissions, you can choose to append the overall rubric feedback to the Dropbox submission feedback field. If the rubric uses points, you can also choose to scale and transfer the overall rubric score to the Dropbox assessment score field. Both of these fields transfer to Grades if the folder is associated with a grade item.

Leave feedback and grade assignments

  1. From the Folder Submissions page, click the Leave Feedback link beside the name of the user you want to leave feedback for.
  2. Complete the rubric, if applicable. Use the Append Feedback button to transfer rubric feedback to the dropbox Feedback field. Use the Transfer Score button to translate the rubric score to the Assessment Score field.
  3. Enter the user’s Score on the assignment, if applicable.
  4. Enter Feedback, if applicable.
  5. Attach files or record audio that you want to associate with the feedback.

    Tip  Attach an evaluated copy of a user’s assignment for the user to review.

  6. Click Save.


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