Creating artifacts

ePortfolio is a repository for digital artifacts that represent your learning. You may upload or create artifacts on any number of topics and at any stage of completion. An artifact may be a document, graphic, audio file, video file, presentation, or other form of digital media. You may upload files from a personal computer or storage device; import items from a course; link to a website; create artifacts in ePortfolio; fill out a form created by your institution; or record an audio file directly within ePortfolio.

  1. Access the Artifacts area
  2. Upload a file
  3. Create an HTML file
  4. Link to a web address
  5. Import course content as an artifact
  6. Fill out a form
  7. Record audio

Access the Artifacts area

  1. Click the ePortfolio link in the navigation bar or My Settings widget.
  2. Click Artifacts in the ePortfolio Areas left tool menu.

Upload a file

Upload files from your computer, personal storage device, or Learning Environment locker area that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in an area of interest.

  1. Click Add Artifact on the main Artifacts page.
  2. Click Upload a File.
  3. Click Add a File.
  4. Browse for the file you want to add.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Confirm that you selected the correct file, and click Next.
  7. Give the file a Name and Description.
  8. Add any Tags you want the artifact to have.
  9. Click Add.

Tip  You might want to compress large media files before uploading them to save space in your portfolio. Full resolution files are not usually necessary for presentation on the web.

Create an HTML file

ePortfolio provides the option to create HTML artifacts using a simple HTML Editor. HTML files may contain formatted text, images, videos, audio files, and links to content in Learning Environment.

  1. Click Add Artifact in the top tool menu.
  2. Click Create a File.
  3. Enter the File name you want the file to be stored as.
  4. Use the HTML Editor to add your content.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the Name you want to display for the file and a Description.
  7. Add any Tags you want the artifact to have.
  8. Click Add.

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Link to a web address

If you want to include an existing website as an artifact in your portfolio, you can reference the address (URL) for the site rather than uploading files.

  1. Click Add Artifact on the main Artifacts page.
  2. Select Create a Link.
  3. Enter the Name you want the URL to be stored as.
  4. Enter the URL (web address).
  5. Enter a Description of the site or its significance.
  6. Add any Tags you want the artifact to have.
  7. Click Add.

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Import course content as an artifact

A great way to track your progress over time is to include your course work in your portfolio. You may then review your work at any point in the future and compare it to other assignments and courses.

  1. Click Add Artifacts in the top tool menu.
  2. Click Import Results from a Course.
  3. If you have more than one role in the system, select the role you want to import course results for from the Enrolled As drop-down menu.
  4. Click the name of the course you want to import results from.
  5. Select the items you want to import, and click Next.
  6. Enter a Name and Description for each item.
  7. Add any Tags you want the artifacts to have.
  8. Click Create.

Tip  Click the Apply Tags to All Artifacts button to add a set of tags to all items on the page.

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Fill out a form

Forms are templates created by your institution or course leaders that you fill out. Forms collect information using a set of question fields.

  1. Click Add Artifacts on the main Artifacts page.
  2. Select Fill Out a Form.
  3. Click the name of the form you want to fill out.
  4. Fill out the form.
  5. In the Artifact Details area, provide a Name and Description unique to this form entry.
  6. Add any Tags you want the artifact to have.
  7. Click Create.

Record audio

You can record audio directly within ePortfolio, rather than pre-recording audio on your computer and uploading it as a file.

  1. Click Add Artifacts on the main Artifacts page.
  2. Select Record Audio.
  3. Ensure your microphone is set up correctly and click Record. Click Flash Settings to make adjustments to your microphone selection and volume. Click Clear to erase your recording.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Give the file a Name and Description.
  6. Add any Tags you want the artifact to have.
  7. Click Add.

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See also


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