Viewing, commenting on, assessing and editing others’ shared items

The Explore area of ePortfolio manages the items others have shared with you. The Users tab lets you search for items by the user's First Name or Last Name. The Items tab lets you search for items by the item's Name, Description, Tags, Type, Last Edited date or Last Accessed date.

Tip  Set your dashboard display options to notify you when others send you an invite.

  1. Access the Explore area
  2. View an item
  3. Leave a comment
  4. Leave an assessment
  5. Edit an item
  6. View your invites

Access the Explore area

Click Explore in the ePortfolio Areas left tool menu.

View an item

Click on the item’s name.

Leave a comment

  1. Open the item you want to leave a comment on from the Explore area.
  2. Click Add Comment.
  3. Enter your comment.
  4. Click Add.

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Leave an assessment

  1. Open the item you want to evaluate from the Explore area.
  2. Click Add Assessment.
  3. Select the rubric you want to use to evaluate the item, and click Add.
  4. Select the appropriate rubric level.
  5. Click Add.

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Edit an item

  1. Click the Edit option in the top tool menu when viewing an item.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Click Save.

Note You can use the Change Log to see what changes have been made to the file. If you make changes to an item that another user is sharing with you, your changes will affect how much disk space the owner of the file is using.

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View your invites

Click Invites in the top tool menu of the Dashboard area.

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