Screen magnifiers, zooming and color contrast tips

Learning Environment is a learning management system that enables you to access course material online. There are a number of learning tools within the system that course content is contained in. This topic provides some basic advice for using the system with screen magnifiers, zooming functionality and color contrast functionality.

Screen magnifiers, zooming functionality and color contrast functionality are often used by people who have difficulties reading online. Difficulties can include low vision, color blindness, eye strain, or dyslexia. Screen magnifiers and zooming functionality are also used by individuals who have fine motor skills difficulty as they increase the target for selectable content (such as links, icons and form fields).

  1. Magnifying vs. zooming
  2. Customizing colors
  3. Preferences
  4. Getting additional support

Magnifying vs. zooming

There are a couple of ways you can increase the size of content in Learning Environment to improve readability:

Customizing colors

Your institution or individual course instructors can customize page colors and text font as desired. As a result, the readability of your Learning Environment depends a lot on your institution.

If you are having difficulty using Learning Environment because of the text and background colors used, we recommend that you use a screen magnifier or other assistive technology that allows you to invert or adjust the colors on a page.

Another popular option is to use a custom cascading style sheet (CSS). There are many free cascading style sheets available on the internet. CSS works best in Learning Environment when background images are turned off, but normal images and icons are left unaltered. Learning Environment is a complex site with a number of different tools and page designs, as a result a fairly detailed style sheet is needed to display content effectively.

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There are a number of settings in the Preferences tool that you may find improves the readability of Learning Environment.

General Preferences tab

The Login Destination option lets you log directly into a course, rather than My Home. This option can simplify navigation if you are only taking one course or a few courses.

Appearance and Accessibility tab

Discussions tab

Email tab

Metadata tab

Select the Basic option to simplify movement through the main metadata page.

Pager tab

Select an Incoming Page Sound to receive an auditory prompt when you are paged.

Note  If you do not have FLASH installed on your computer our system uses your default media player to preview sounds. Many popular media players trap keyboard navigation. If you navigate the system without a mouse, you may not be able to exit the media player after previewing a sound.

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Getting additional support

If you are having difficulty using Learning Environment to complete your course work, consider seeking help from your course leader or a disability services group at your institution. Most institutions have support centers to help users learn new technology, seek special accommodations, and organize tutoring and other support.

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See also


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