Managing your blog

  1. View your blog
  2. Search for a blog entry
  3. Edit blog entries
  4. Print a blog entry
  5. Change your blog settings
  6. Change the number of entries per page

View your blog

  1. From the Entry List page, use the All Entries, Public Entries, and Private Entries tabs to view your blog entries.
  2. Click the Preview Blog icon to view how your blog appears to others.

Note  The Permalink field at the top of the Preview page lists a URL for your blog that can be accessed from any browser.

Search for a blog entry

  1. From the Blog Watch or Blog List page, enter your search criteria in the Search For field, and click Search.
  2. Click the Show Search Options link for more search options:
    • Search For Enter the word or portion of text to search for.
    • Search In Select the type of information to search for.
    • Entry Date Range Select a date range to restrict the search by.

Note  From the Blog List page you can also search for Total Entries and Total Comments to find blogs with greater than or less than a specified number of entries or comments.

To clear the search, click the Clear Search link or empty the Search For field and click Search

Edit blog entries

  1. From the Entry List page, click the Edit Entry icon beside the title of the entry you want to edit.
  2. Update the entry as desired.
  3. Click Save.

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Print a blog entry

  1. From the Entry List page or the Blog Watch page, select the box beside the entry or entries you want to print.
  2. Click the Print icon at the top or bottom of the page.
  3. Print using your browser’s print functionality.

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Change your blog settings

  1. From the Entry List page, click the Settings icon.
  2. Update your settings as desired.
  3. Click Save.
Setting Description
Show a link to your user profile from your Blog Allows users who are viewing your blog to also view your profile.
Make entries public by default Selects the Make Public option for new blog entries so they are automatically shared with other users. This setting is selected by default.
Allow comments by default

Selects the Allow Comments option for new blog entries by default.

Note  The Allow comments by default option is only available if the Make entries public by default option is selected

Receive email when comments are added If you select this option you will receive an email notification when a new comment is made on one of your blog entries.
Allow Blog to be read by anyone

Allows users who are not logged into Learning Environment to view your blog through an external URL. The External URL field contains the URL to view your blog from outside Desire2Learn.

Note  Private blog entries are not accessible by URL.

Publish your Blog as an RSS feed Allow readers of your blog to link to your Feed URL and view your blog using an external RSS aggregator. To publish your blog in this way, you must enter a title and description for it in the Feed Title and Feed Description fields.
Persistence Enter a value in the Persistence field to determine how long blog entries stay in your Blog Watch list. For example, if you enter 10, entries will remain in your Blog Watch for 10 days after they are posted. If you set the value to 0 blog entries remain in you Blog Watch indefinitely.

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Change the number of entries per page

From the Entry List, Blog Watch, or Blog List page, select a value from the per page drop-down list to change how much information is displayed on a page.

If all of the information does not display on one page, use the Previous Page and Next Page icons, and the Page drop-down list to navigate between pages.

See also


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