Sharing blogs outside Learning Environment

You can share your blog with friends, family, and acquaintances that are not a part of your Learning Environment by providing them with the permanent URL for your blog.

You can also add blogs from outside Learning Environment to your Blog Watch list.

Share your blog with other users

  1. From the Entry List page, click the Preview Blog icon.
  2. Copy the URL from the Permalink field at the top of the page.
  3. Share the URL with the people you want to read your blog.

Note  You can also find your blog's permanent URL on the Settings page in the External URL field.

Generating an RSS feed for your blog

The blog tool provides a means to publish a your blog as an RSS feed, which any external news reader (RSS aggregator can) read.

Note You might not have permission to use the RSS feed functionality.

Understanding RSS feeds

The RSS file format provides summaries of content on a website and links to the full version of the content. This information is in an XML file known as an RSS feed. A program known as an RSS aggregator, or news reader, reads the RSS feed and displays any new (updated) content that it finds on the website.

This s useful for frequent readers to track updates on the site. For the Blog tool, it enables readers to track new entries and comments on a blog without logging in to Learning Environment.

Generate an RSS feed

  1. On the Settings page, select the Publish your Blog as an RSS feed check box.
  2. Give your feed a title, and if you want, a description.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Send the URL in the Feed URL to users you want to share your blog with.


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