Searching your calendar

You can search for events on personal and public calendars using an event’s title, description, specific date ranges, event types (i.e., personal vs. course events), or by priority.

When you search, you can use wildcards in the Search For field to help when you don’t have the complete title for an event. The following chart describes supported search wildcards and their usage.

Wildcards supported when you search the calendar

Wildcard Character Effect on Search Description


any number of any character

Calendar uses this implicitly in every search. Searching for day is equivalent to searching for %day%, %day or day%.

Example  Searching for %day% returns all events where the title or description contains a word with the sequence of characters “day”: daydream, birthday, holidays, etc.

[ ]


Use this with characters between the brackets. You don’t need to separate characters with commas inside the brackets.

Example  Searching for [CK]ath[ae]rine returns events where the title or description contains Catharine or Katharine or Catherine or Katherine.



Use this before a single character to exclude words from the search.

Example  Searching for base[^b] returns events where the title or description contain the sequence of characters but is not followed by the letter b. E.g., databases, base, basement, etc. are included in the results, but baseball, baseboard are not.


one of any character

Use this to search for any single character followed by, or preceded by, a specific string of characters.

Example  Searching for _ob returns all events where the title or description contain words with a three letter sequence ending in ob. E.g., Robert, Bob, knob, etc. are included in the results, but obstacle, obtuse, etc. would be excluded.

Search your calendar

  1. Click Search Events on the top tool bar.
  2. Type the words or phrase and any wildcards into the Search For field.
  3. If you want to narrow your search, click the Show Search Options link and change the search operators:
    • Limit your search to just a title or just a description.
    • Search for just personal events, or within certain groups or courses.
    • Search for events in a specific date range.
    • Search for events with a specific priority.
  4. Click Search.

From the search results you can view events, edit or delete events depending on permissions and whether you created the event.


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