Using chat

Add a chat message

Type a message in the text box at the bottom of the chat room, and press Enter or click Send.

Refresh your chat window

If you think new messages are not appearing on your screen fast enough, click the Refresh icon at the top of the chat. This icon is visible when you have New Messages checked in your Chat Settings.

See who else is chatting

The Participants pane displays a list of users currently signed in to a chat room.

Change your chat alias

You can change your alias, or chat name, if you want to appear as a different name, such as a nickname, to other chat participants.

  1. Click Chat Settings in one of two locations:
    • On the Chat List page, click Chat Settings on the top tool bar.
    • Inside a chat, click Chat Settings along the top of the chat window.
  2. Type a new alias in the Alias field.
  3. Select the check boxes for Bold or Italics, if desired.
  4. Set an Alias Color, if desired.
  5. Click Save.

Change the display order of chat messages

You can set preferences to have messages in a chat display from new to old, or old to new, or show only new messages.

  1. Click Chat Settings in one of two locations:
    • On the Chat List page, click Chat Settings on the top tool bar.
    • Inside a chat, click Chat Settings along the top of the chat window.
  2. If you want to change the message order, select New to Old or Old to New.
  3. If you want to see new messages only, select New Messages. This requires you to manually refresh the screen, to see new messages and remove all old ones.

Note  You can change back to see all messages, which restores all messages for that session, even if they were not visible while New Messages was checked.


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