Evaluating a Discussions activity

You can evaluate a Discussions activity from two places: from inside a topic while reading users’ messages, or from the Assess Topic page where you can view all users’ results together in one place.

Evaluate a Discussions activity from within a topic

  1. Click Discussions on the navbar.
  2. From the main Discussions page, click the name of the topic.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you are using the Grid Style message list, open any message by the person you want to evaluate, then click Assess Topic on the action bar above the message.
    • If you are using the Reading Style message list, click the Assess link below the message header of any message by the person you want to evaluate.
  4. Fill in the associated rubric.
  5. Click Save.

Evaluate a discussion activity from the Assess Topic page

  1. From the main Discussions page, click the Assess Topic icon for the topic.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the Users tab, click the name of the activity beneath the person you want to evaluate.
    • Click the Assessments tab, select the activity from the Assessment drop-down list, then click the name of the user you want to evaluate.
  3. Fill in the associated rubric.
  4. Click Save then Close.


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