Managing settings in Competencies

Managing views in Competencies

The main Competencies interface has two different views:

The difference between the views is in access to additional features: access to view orphans, and a navigation pane that lists the competencies and objectives for the org unit hierarchically.

Switching views

  1. On the Competency Home page, click Settings.
  2. Under Settings, select the view you want to use.

Setting which elements in a competency are visible

You can choose which types of elements (competencies, learning objectives, activities) are visible to course participants. For example, you might want to provide a simple list of activities to complete by displaying only activities.

Specify which elements are visible to users

  1. In the Competencies tool click Settings.
  2. In the Org Unit Settings section, select the check boxes in Display to User for each type of element you want course participants to see.
  3. Click Save.

Note  Learning objectives are only visible if they are attached to a competency that course participants can see. You must attach learning objectives to competencies with the option “make competency and children visible to users who can be evaluated” selected.

Adding competencies to ePortfolios

You can allow users to add competencies to their ePortfolio as an artifact.

To allow adding competencies to ePortfolios

  1. In the Competencies tool click Settings.
  2. In the Org Unit Settings section, select the Allow users to add their competencies to their ePortfolio check box.


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