Manually initiating re-evaluation

If your organization uses Manual Re-evaluation, changes that normally trigger re-evaluation do not automatically start the re-evaluation process. You must manually initiate re-evaluation. (Check with site administration if you are not sure whether your organization is using Manual or Automatic re-evaluation.)

If a competency or learning objective is out of date and needs re-evaluation, the system displays a notice on the Results page along with a Re-evaluate button.

This notice will appear on the Results page of all elements affected by a change. For example, if an activity’s Achievement threshold is changed, the notice will appear on the Results page of the activity and all of its parents, all the way up to the competency.

Initiate re-evaluation

  1. Click Competencies on the navbar.
  2. On the Competency List page, click the View Results icon next to a competency, learning objective or activity.
  3. Click the Re-evaluate button.

Re-evaluation requests are stored in a queue and processed in sequence. Depending on the number of requests already in the queue, there might be a lengthy delay before your request is processed and your users are re-evaluated.

See also


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