Overriding competency results

You can override a user’s result for any competency, learning objective or activity, and manually set it to Complete or Incomplete. An override always take precedence over a user’s actual result; if you override an activity, the system ignores the user’s actual assessment; if you override a learning objective or a competency, it ignores the number of children the user has achieved.

You might use the override feature to mark a learning objective as Incomplete if you deemed a user had completed it unfairly, or to mark a competency as Complete if a user presented alternative evidence that they had met the requirements of the competency (perhaps through prior experience or coursework at another institution).

Note  Override results are displayed with a red asterisk ().

Override a user’s result

  1. Click Competencies on the navbar.
  2. On the Competency List page, click a competency or learning objective's name.
  3. On the   Competency Results, Learning Objective Results, or Activity Results page, select the users whose results you want to override.
  4. Click the Mark Complete or  Mark Incomplete icon at the top of the list.

Clear an override

  1. On the Results page, select the user or users whose overrides you want to clear.
  2. Click the Clear Override icon at the top or bottom of the list.

See also


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