Viewing the entire competency structure

The Structure Summary page displays all elements attached beneath the current one. Viewing the Structure Summary page for a competency shows you the complete structure of that competency.

Note  The Structure Summary page is not available for activities.

If a competency or learning objective is available in multiple org units, you only see the activities attached within the current org unit. There is no way to view all the activities attached in all org units from one location.

Tip  The Summary View page makes a good base for working with the elements in a competency’s structure. You can right-click (or CTRL-click) on the name of an element and open it in another browser window, then close that window when finished to return to the original page.

Access the Structure Summary page

  1. Within an org unit, click the Competencies link in the navigation bar.
  2. From the Competency List page, click the name of a competency or learning objective.
  3. In the tool menu on the Edit page, click Competency Structure, Learning Objective Structure, or Activity Structure.
  4. Click the Structure Summary tab.

See also


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