Managing content display settings

You can change how course content appears in the content viewer. For example, you can define:

  1. Change how the main page displays
  2. Change how content topics display
  3. Change module and topic enumeration
  4. Change default font settings
  5. Restore default display settings

Change how the main page displays

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. From the Content Areas pane, click Settings.
  3. Make the changes you want to the display settings for the main page and click Save.
    Option Description
    Content Home Area
    Content Home Select Create a custom 'Content Home' page from a file to use a custom content homepage. See Adding a custom content homepage, for details on this feature.
    Show Sidebar Select Show Sidebar to show the sidebar on the left of the custom content homepage.
    Table of Contents Area
    Content List Style Changes the TOC on the content home from a vertical list, to a horizontal list, or show only the modules.

    Change the heading for the TOC, or replace it with a variable:


    The name of the current course


    The name of the organization

    Module Name Display

    Change how the module name appears. Variable choices are the same as for heading plus the following:


    Marks the beginning of a link


    Marks the end of a link


    The enumerated number of the current module or topic


    The long title of the current module


    The short title of the current module

    Topic Name Display

    Change how the topic name appears. Variable choices are the same as for Module Name Display plus the following:


    The long title of the current topic


    The short title of the current topic

    Show Sidebar Select Show Sidebar to show the sidebar on the left of the table of contents.
    Sidebar area
    Box Title Change how the sidebar heading appears. Variable choices are the same as for Heading in the Table of Contents area.
    File Type Icon Select the File Type Icon check box to show icons indicating file types beside course topics in the sidebar.
    Module Name Display Change how the module name appears on the sidebar. Variable choices are the same as for Module Name Display in the Table of Contents area.
    Topic Name Display Change how the topic name appears on the sidebar. Variable choices are the same as for Topic Name Display in the Table of Contents area.

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Change how content topics display

  1. On the Manage Content page, in the left tool menu, click Settings.
  2. Click Content Viewer icon Content Viewer in the top tool menu.
  3. Make changes to the display settings for course topics and click Save.
    Option Description
    Properties Area
    Title Change the title of the content viewer action bar.
    Show Sidebar Select Show Sidebar to show a table of contents on the left of the custom content homepage.
    Sidebar area
    Box Title Change the heading for the sidebar. Type a title or use a variable:


    The name of the current course


    The name of the current organization

    File Type Icon Select the File Type Icon check box to show icons indicating file types beside course topics in the sidebar.
    Module Name Display

    Change the how module names appear. Variable choices are the same as for Box Title plus the following:


    Marks the beginning of a link


    Marks the end of a link


    The enumerated number of the current module or topic


    The long title of the current module


    The short title of the current module

    Topic Name Display

    Change how the topic name appears. Variable choices are the same as for Module Name Display plus the following:


    The long title of the current topic


    The short title of the current topic

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Change module and topic enumeration

  1. From the Manage Content page, in the Content Areas menu, click Settings.
  2. ClickEnumerations Enumerations.
  3. Make the changes you want to the enumeration settings for the course and click Save.

    Note  The table always displays four rows. If you have more than four levels, level four applies to all lower levels.

    Column Description
    Level The level column indicates the level in the hierarchy.
    Before Enumeration Define additional text you want to appear before the module or topic enumeration. Add HTML tags to define the look and feel (for example, text size and color) of the enumeration and text before the enumeration.
    Enumeration Choose the enumeration (number) style from the drop-down list.

    Note  If you choose the “no enumeration” option, a period (.) continues to appear until you delete it from the After Enumeration column.

    After Enumeration Define additional text you want to appear after the enumeration and close the HTML tags you use in the Before Enumeration column.
    Restore Default Click the Restore icon to restore the current enumeration to the default setting.

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Change default font settings

  1. From the Manage Content page, in the Content Areas pane, click Settings.
  2. Click HTML Editor.
  3. Make the changes you want to the default font for the course using the Font Face and Font Size drop-down menus and click Save.

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Restore default display settings

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click Settings in the Content Areas pane.
  3. In any section and for any field click the Restore icon and click Save.

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See also


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