Managing course content feedback

Feedback shows the ratings and comments users submit for the course content. Ratings and comments can include a user’s name or be anonymous if the user chooses. If users leave their name with the feedback, you can contact them by email. After you review feedback, you can export or reset it.

View course feedback

  1. Click Content on the navbar.
  2. Click Reports in the left tool menu.
  3. Click Feedback in the top tool menu.

View ratings and comments from individual users

On the Feedback page, click the number in the Ratings column for a topic.

Reset course feedback

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click Reports in the Content Areas pane.
  3. Click Feedback icon Feedback.
  4. On the Feedback page, click Reset Feedback on the action bar.

Export course feedback

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click  Reports in the Content Areas widget.
  3. Click Feedback icon  Feedback.
  4. On the Feedback page, click Export Feedback on the action bar.


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