Managing course content statistics

For each topic, course statistics display the number of unique visitors and average time spent by each visitor. A user who visits multiple times is only counted once.

View course statistics

  1. Click Content on the navbar.
  2. Click Reports in the left tool menu.

View detailed statistics

On the Statistics page, click the number in the Users Visited column for a topic to see the users who have visited the topic.

Note  If the user times out or is visiting the topic when you click through to the details the time spent is not calculated.

Reset course statistics

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click Reports in the Content Areas pane.
  3. On the Statistics page, click Reset Statistics on the action bar.

Export course statistics

You can export statistics to a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet or database.

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click Reports in the Content Areas pane.
  3. On the Statistics page, click Export Statistics from the action bar.


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