Managing modules and topics

Search for a module or topic

You can search within the course for modules and topics by their title or short title, however you cannot search for text within the body of a topic.

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Type your search term in the Search For text box.
  3. To narrow your search, click Show Search Options.
  4. Click Search. Search results are listed in their order within the structure of the course. For example, a topic in unit one is listed before a topic in unit two.
  5. Click on the Clear Search link to return to the list.

Edit a module

  1. On the Manage Content page, click the Edit icon next to a module.
  2. Edit the module properties, restrictions, or comments and click Save.
    Option Procedure
    Properties tab
    Change parent module Select a new parent module from the Parent Module drop-down.
    Edit title Type changes in the Title field
    Edit short title Type changes in the Short Title field.
    Hide or show enumeration

    Do one of the following:

    • Select the Enumeration check box to hide numbering on this module.
    • Clear the Enumeration check box to show numbering on this module.
    Restrictions tab
    Hide a module from participants’ view Select the Hide this module check box. All topics beneath this module are also hidden.
    Set date/time restrictions Select the Start Date and End Date.
    Set release conditions

    To set pre-existing release conditions to the module, click Attach Existing and select the conditions from the list in the pop-up window.

    To create new conditions and attach them to the module, click Create and Attach. For details on creating release conditions refer to Release Conditions.

    Comments tab
    Add comments

    To add comments that only you can see, type your comments into the Personal Comments text field.

    To add comments, type your comments into the Shared Designer Comments.

    Objectives tab
    Associate topic/module with learning objectives
    1. Click the Objectives tab.
    2. Click the Associate Learning Objectives button.
    3. Browse or Search for the learning objective you want to associate with the topic/module.
    4. Click Add Selected.

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Edit a topic

  1. On the Manage Content page, click the Edit icon next to a topic.
  2. Edit the topic’s properties, restrictions, discussions, or comments.
    Option Procedure
    Properties tab
    Change parent module Select a new parent module from the Parent Module drop-down.
    Edit title Type changes in the Title field.
    Edit short title Type changes in the Short Title field.
    Hide or show enumeration Do one of the following:
    • Select the Enumeration check box to hide numbering on this topic.
    • Clear the Enumeration check box to show numbering on this topic.
    Edit the topic’s content Do one of the following:
    • Type your changes into the content editing field.
    • To select a new file for the topic, click Change File and locate the new file for the topic.
    Restrictions tab
    Hide a topic from participants’ view Select the Hide this topic check box.
    Set date/time restrictions Select the Start Date and End Date.
    Set release conditions To set pre-existing release conditions to the topic, click Attach Existing and select the conditions from the list in the pop-up window.

    To create new conditions and attach them to the topic, click Create and Attach. For details on creating release conditions refer to Release Conditions.

    Discussions tab
    Associate a discussion topic Select a discussion from the Topic Discussion drop-down.

    You can also select a discussion from the Topic Help Discussion topic. If you don’t have any discussions set up for the course, refer to Discussions.

    Comments tab
    Add comments
    • To add comments that only you can see, type your comments into the Personal Comments text field
    • To add comments, type your comments into the Shared Designer Comments
    Objectives tab
    Associate topic/module with learning objectives
    1. Click the Objectives tab.
    2. Click the Associate Learning Objectives button.
    3. Browse or Search for the learning objective you want to associate with the topic/module.
    4. Click Add Selected.
  3. Click Save, or to create a new topic, click Save & New.

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Copy a module or topic

Within a course you can copy modules or topics. This can be useful if you want to use a topic or module as a template. You can choose to copy only the module or topic’s content or include properties, such as release conditions, comments, discussions, and metadata.

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Select the modules or topics you want to copy.
  3. Click the Copy icon at the top or bottom of the list.
  4. Select a parent module. For modules you can select None.
  5. Select whether to copy content only or content and properties, such as release conditions.
  6. Click Copy.

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Move a module or topic

  1. On the Manage Content page, select the module or topic.
  2. Click the Move icon at the top or bottom of the list.
  3. Select a New Parent Module for your module or topic from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Move.

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Reorder modules and topics

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click Reorder in the top tool menu, or the Reorder icon beside the module in the list of modules.
  3. Use the drop-down menus in the Sort Order column to select the order for an item. Other items reposition themselves according to the new order.
  4. Click Save when you have finished the changes.

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Preview course content

You can preview course content after making edits or adding new modules or topics. This is useful for quality checking purposes.

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click View Content in the left tool menu. To return to Manage Content from the content preview, click Manage Content in the Content Areas panel.

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Delete a module or topic

Note  Deleting a module deletes all topics within that module.

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Select the check boxes beside the modules or topics you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon at the top or bottom of the list.
  4. Choose whether you want to delete associated files.
  5. Click Delete Selected.

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