Importing a SCORM package

If you use SCORM for your course, you must import an existing package as a zip file to Learning Environment. The SCORM package includes all the Sharable Content Objects (SCOs) and associated Sharable Content Assets (SCAs). Sequencing and navigation are also part of the package. See Importing course components from a file for detailed information about importing content.

Note  If your package is SCORM-2004 compliant you must select the Select all Components check box on the Select Course Material page for the sequencing and navigation to function properly.

Removing simple sequencing from a SCORM package

You can remove the sequencing and navigation rules from a SCORM package if you want to use some of the modules or topics in another course, or reorder modules and topics in the current course.

If you do this, progress tracking data for all users using this SCORM package will be lost. The topics retain the SCORM icons after you remove the sequencing.

Remove simple sequencing

  1. Click Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.
  2. Click the Remove SCORM 2004 Simple Sequence icon next to the module for which you want to remove sequencing.

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Viewing SCORM Reports on objects and users

If your course is based on SCORM, or uses SCOs as part of the course content, you have access to additional activity reports for each SCORM object and user. The reports track the activity on a topic and individuals’ progress with meeting defined objectives, and in defined interactions with the course content.

Note  The data in these reports depends on the data communicated to Learning Environment by your SCOs. For example, if the SCO does not set values for objectives, then no objective information is available in the SCORM reports for that SCO.

You can export SCORM statistics; however, unlike non-SCORM courses you cannot reset the statistics.

Viewing reports on SCORM objects

For each SCORM object, Learning Environment records:

You can also view details on user attempts, objectives and interactions for each item.

View reports on SCORM objects

  1. Click Content on the navbar.
  2. Click Reports in the left tool menu.
  3. Click SCORM Reports in the top tool menu.

View detailed reports on SCORM objects

  1. From the SCORM Objects tab on the SCORM Reports page, click one of the following icons:
    • Summary icon for information on the users who have attempted the object and whether the attempt was complete or incomplete, their score, number of attempts, time spent, average time spent and day/time they last accessed it.
    • Objective Details icon for information on the users’ progress with the course objectives including their score, pass or fail, complete or incomplete and progress measure.
    • Interaction Details icon for information on the users’ attempts at the interactions in an objective including question type, correct and user response, result, weighting and time spent.
  2. Click the Show Additional Details link to view totals of the information in the summary table.
  3. From the details pages, click Go Back to return to the main SCORM Reports page.

Viewing reports on users of SCORM objects

For each user of SCORM content, Learning Environment records:

You can also access details on a each user's progress, scores, time spent, date last accessed, objectives and interactions.

View reports on users of SCORM objects

  1. Click Content on the navbar.
  2. Click Reports in the left tool menu.
  3. Click SCORM Reports in the top tool menu.
  4. Click the Users tab.

View a detailed report on an individual user of SCORM content

From Users tab on the SCORM Reports page, click the name of the user you want to see detailed information on.

Note  From the details pages, click Go Back to return to the main SCORM Reports page.

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