Managing submissions to dropboxes

Restrict the number of files allowed per submission

  1. From the New/Edit Folder page, click Show Submission Options.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Unlimited
    • One file per submission
  3. Click Save.

Change how subsequent file submissions are handled

  1. From the New/Edit Folder page, click Show Submission Options.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Keep all submissions
    • Overwrite submissions
    • Only one submission allowed
  3. Click Save.

Download (retrieve) files

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Users tab, select the users or groups you want to download assignments for.
    • On the Files tab, select the files you want to download.
  2. Click the Download submissions icon at the bottom of the list.
  3. Click the name of the zip file that is created.
  4. Use your browser’s save dialog to save the file to the appropriate location.


Files are renamed to include the user or groups name and submission time when you download them.

Downloading assignments changes their status to read.

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Email users from Dropbox

  1. From the Folder Submissions page, click the user's name, or select the multiple users or groups and click Email selected users/groups.
  2. Type your message in the Compose New Message pop-up. (See Creating and sending email for more information.)
  3. Click Send.

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Email users who have not submitted an assignment to the dropbox folder

  1. From the Folder Submissions page, click Email Unsubmitted Users or Email Unsubmitted Groups on the action bar.
  2. Type your message in the Compose New Message pop-up. (See Creating and sending email for more information.) The email addresses of the selected users populate automatically in the To field of the message.
  3. Click Send.

Note  If any member of a group submits an assignment to a group dropbox folder, no one in that group is emailed when Email Unsubmitted Groups is selected.

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Mark assignments as read or unread

Do one of the following:

Note  When you open or download a file Dropbox marks it as read.

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Flag dropbox assignments

Click the Flagged or Unflagged icon beside an item's name on the Folder Submissions page.

Note  You can use the Files tab to search for flagged submissions.

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