Changing email settings

  1. Click the Settings icon at the top of the Message List page.
  2. Update settings as desired.

    Note  Depending on your email configuration, you many not have access to all of the settings.

    Option Description
    Email Options

    Track activity for messages sent to internal email addresses

    A personal setting that, when turned on, tracks the status of a sent message (read or unread), and when the message was replied to and/or forwarded. View Recipient Activity link accessed through messages in the Sent Mail folder.

    Include original message in email replies

    When you reply to an email, the original message is included with your reply.

    Send a copy of each outgoing message to [specified email address]

    This option allows you to send a copy of all the emails you send to a specified address. Click the Change email address link to specify the address you want to send copies to. Changing this address will change your external address for all mail sent from the Desire2Learn application. This option is only available when you are using Send Only email.

    Save a copy or your sent messages to the Sent Mail folder

    A copy of the messages you send, with attachments, is saved to the Sent Email folder. Only applies to users who can receive email.

    'Reply to' Email Address

    This option allows you to set an address to receive replies to your emails, if different from the address the emails originated at. Use this option if you have Send-Only permissions as some applications will not deliver mail without a valid reply address.

    Email Signature

    Add text that will appear at the bottom of the messages you send.

    Display Options

    Show the Message Preview pane

    The preview pane allows you to read messages from within the Message List page. If you turn this option off, clicking on a message opens a new window containing the message. Only applies to users who can receive email.

    Show the Folder List pane

    This option displays the folder pane to the left of the Message List area. The folder pane contains the same content as the folder drop-down list. Only applies to users who can receive email.

    Mark messages as read when viewed in the Message Preview pane

    Using the preview pane to read your messages will mark them as read. Only applies to users who can receive email.

    Show internal email addresses in the Address Book

    Internal addresses for your system contacts will appear in the Address Book.

    Show external email addresses in the Address Book

    External addresses for your system contacts will appear in the Address Book.

    Allow filtering messages and contacts on group enrollment

    Controls whether groups and sections are listed in the Filter By field in the message list and the address book.

    Forwarding Options

    Forward incoming messages to an alternate email account

    Enter an address into this field to have email sent to your Desire2Learn address redirected to this address. Only applies to users who can receive email.

    After selecting the above option, choose one of the following:

    Forward and delete from the Inbox folder

    Mail is forwarded to your specified address and then deleted. Deleted mail is not stored in the trash folder and does not affect allocated usage.

    Forward and mark unread in the Inbox folder

    Mail is forwarded to your specified address and then marked as unread in the Desire2Learn mail list.

    Forward and mark read in the Inbox folder

    Mail is forwarded to your specified address and then marked as read in the Desire2Learn mail list.

    IMAP Options (when available)

    IMAP Server

    Allows you to associate your email account with an external email application of your choice. The email application must be IMAP compliant.

    IMAP Server Username

    Your username for your external mail application.

    IMAP Server Password

    Your password for your external mail application.

  3. Click Save.


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