Using email folders

Folders help you manage your messages by organizing them into groups. Your folders are listed in the Folder drop-down list and in the Folder List pane to the left of the Message List if the pane is set to display. You have the following folders by default:

You can add folders to this list as needed.

  1. Access email folders
  2. Access the folder management area
  3. Move a message to a folder
  4. Add a folder
  5. Edit a folder
  6. Reorder the folder list
  7. Delete a folder

Access email folders

From the Message List page, click the folder’s name in the Folder List pane or select the folder from the Folder drop-down list.

Access the folder management area

From the Message List page, click the Folder Management icon at the top of the page.

Move a message to a folder

  1. Select the check box next to the message or messages you want to move.
  2. In the Move To drop-down list, select the folder you want to put the messages in.

Add a folder

  1. From the Folder Management area, click the New Folder icon.
  2. Choose the type of folder—Message or Contacts—you want to add. You cannot change the folder type once it has been associated with a folder.
  3. Type a name for the folder in the Folder Name field.
  4. Assign the folder a Parent Folder, if applicable. Choosing a parent folder means that the folder you add is "nested" within the parent folder. Choose "None" if you do not want the folder to have a parent. You can nest folders as deep as you want.
  5. Click Save.

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Edit a folder

The amount of information you can edit depends on the type of folder you are editing. While you can change the name, the parent folder, and delete folders you have created, you can only change the name of system-created folders. You cannot delete system-created folders (Trash, Draft, Inbox, Address Book), nor can you change their parent folder.

  1. From the Folder Management area, click the click the Edit icon next to the folder you want to edit.
  2. Update the folder.
  3. Click Save.

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Reorder the folder list

  1. Click the Reorder icon on the Folder Management page.
  2. Select the folders you want to move.
  3. Click the Up or  Down buttons to move the folders through the order.
  4. Once you have the folders ordered the way you want click Save.

Note  The Reorder Folders page only lists folders that are organized at the same level (i.e. they are either top-level folders or share a parent folder). To change the nesting structure of folders at different levels (i.e. remove or add a parent association) you must edit the Parent Folder field on the Edit Folder page.

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Delete a folder

Click the Delete icon next to the folder you want to delete. You cannot delete system-created folders.

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