Using the Address Book

The Address Book lets you to keep an online list of your contacts and organize personal contacts into groups.

Your Address Book options vary according to your permissions. Contacts in the address book are either system generated in the case of course and internal contacts, or user created in the case of personal and external contacts. Depending on your permissions, you might not be able to create personal contacts.

Access your address book

Do one of the following:

Add a contact to your address book

  1. From the Address Book page, click the Add Contact icon at the top of the page.
  2. Choose a folder to store the new contact’s information in the Folder drop-down list. By default new contacts are stored in the main Address Book folder.
  3. To create a new folder, click the New Folder link beside the Folder drop-down list.
  4. Enter the new contact’s information in the appropriate fields. (Fields marked with an asterisk are required.)
  5. Click Save.

Edit an address book contact

  1. From the Address Book page, click the First Name or Last Name link of the contact you want to edit from the list of contacts.
  2. Update the contact’s information as required.
  3. Click Save.

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Delete an address book contact

  1. From the Address Book page, select the contacts you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete icon at the top of the list.

Note  You can only delete personal contacts.

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Create a contacts group

  1. From the Address Book page, Click Folder Management on the top tool menu.
  2. Click New Folder on the top tool menu.
  3. In the Folder Type section, select Contacts Folder.
  4. Enter a Folder Name.
  5. To make the new folder a sub-folder inside an existing folder, choose the existing folder from the Parent Folder drop-down list.
  6. Click Save.

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Move personal contacts to a contacts group

  1. From the Address Book page, select the contacts you want to move.
  2. Select a group from the Move To drop-down list.

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