Creating an FAQ

Create an FAQ category

  1. On the Manage FAQ page, click New Category in the top tool menu.
  2. On the New FAQ Category page, type the name of the new category in the Name field. For example, the category “Research Methods” would logically contain FAQs about methods of research.

    Tip  A good category name allows visitors to understand the general topic of that category.

  3. Type an optional Description for the category, to help with identifying what the category should contain.
  4. Click Save to save the category or Save and New to save it and create another one.

Create an FAQ question

  1. On the Manage FAQ page, click New Question on the top tool menu.
  2. On the New Question page, select a category for the question in the Category drop-down list. Each question must belong to a category.

    Tip  To add a new category, click the New Category link. In the New FAQ Category pop-up, type a Name and Description for the new category and click Save.

  3. Type the Question text.
  4. Type the Answer to the question.
  5. Click Save to save the new question or Save and New to save it and create another one.


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